Gregory Wehrman Specialty of Mental Health Billing Service
Gregory Wehrman can be reached during normal business hours by phone. If you have a medical emergency, please dial 911.
If you have questions about our services, accepted forms of insurance, our facility, or our physicians, please feel free to contact us during normal business hours by phone or use the form below and we will respond within one business day.
Call Us: Toll Free (888) 536-8031
“Partnering Our Services for Your Success”
Wehrman Healthcare Management Solutions LLC
Office: 7373 University Avenue,
Suite 213, La Mesa, CA 91942-0524
P.O. Box 1770 La Mesa, CA 91944-1770
Phone: (619) 464-1165
Toll Free (888) 536-8031
Fax: (619) 567-1011