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“Partnering Our Services for Your Success”
Compare to Your In-House Billing
Full Time $15/hr with Full Benefits, PPO, Sick Leave, Vacation Leave, Retirement Plan, Workers Comp, Payroll Taxes, Payroll Fees, Electronic Claims, Paper Claims, Patients Statements
Annual Billing Salary
Unknown Annual Billing Efficiency
Ask yourself, would you rather make $10,000.00 LESS by going with the CHEAPEST billing company? Or would you rather optimize your income, and get paid MORE by contracting with the BEST billing company? Cheaper does not always mean better! A LOWER fee for billing, might be COSTING you money!
Billing Service “A” charges 8% of Net Collections, and operates at an efficiency of 92%.
Desired Income
Billing Efficiency
Annual Provider Income
Annual Billing Services Fee
Annual Provider Net Income AFTER Billing Service Fees
Billing Service “B” charges 5% of Net Collections, and operates at an efficiency of 87% (a drop of just 5% in efficiency).
Desired Income
Billing Efficiency
Annual Provider Income
Annual Billing Services Fee
Annual Provider Net Income AFTER Billing Service Fees
"Helping Providers to Understand Healthcare"
We Provide:
Revenue Cycle Management
Medical Billing has evolved over the years. Long gone are the days of simply submitting claims, and payment magically appearing. The billing processes must be managed to produce optimal results. WHMS has the tools, knowledge and experience to make this a reality!
Harris CareTracker PM and EMR
We have partnered with CareTracker (formerly Optum PM & Physician EMR) is a completely integrated Practice Management and Electronic Medical Records software. CareTracker is an "ONC Certified HIT" software package.
Contracting and Credentialing
Over the years, our clients have asked us to assist them to make their life less of a hassle. We help them to maneuver through the process of Contracting and Credentialing with the various Payors. This is often an overlooked process. Taking the time to accurately Credential your Practice will ensure timely payment. Let us Guide you through the Contracting and Negotiating process.
Banking and Depositing
Why spend Your Time going to the Bank? Your time should be spent seeing patients - that's how you make money.
Consulting and Compliance, & Practice Development
Federal and State Regulations are constantly changing. We can help you with your Practice's Policies and Procedures. Or simply advise you on how to structure your practice to run efficiently. You have choices on "What Your Practice Looks Like?"
Are You Asking the Correct Questions!
The first question almost all healthcare providers ask is: What percentage do you charge? Ultimately, this is a valid concern. However, this is not the first question that matters. If your billing is not performed efficiently, timely and in a compliant manner, you could be losing toms of income very easily.
Here are the questions you will want to ask BEFORE talking fees!
How long have they been in business?
Do they bill for ALL specialties, just a few, or perhaps are they experts in your specific specialty?
Are they willing to give you at least 3 referrals to existing clients?
Do they belong to any trade organizations?
Does the company or their employees have any certifications and/or awards?
What statistics do they consider the most relevant in determining the success of billing for you?
Can the service explain the difference between a “Billing Service” and a Practice Management Service”?
If the answers to these questions make you feel confident, and secure, then you can start to discuss price. However, be very careful! The lower percentage can cost you dearly, if you choose to shop by price alone.
Why is it difficult to compare billing companies who charge on a percentage?
Most healthcare companies that offer billing, charge a percentage of collections as their primary fee. However, when comparing companies to one another, this makes is very difficult to compare percentages. A percentage arrangement is very relative; hard to compare!
For example, for a hypothetical illustration, let’s presume that a solo doctor should make $500,000 per year in a perfect scenario (the healthcare industry is far from a perfect industry, mind you!)
The Healthcare Industry is more complex than ever. The above examples are common. The percentage you are to be charged is secondary to the results of contracting with the RIGHT company. You might just be comparing ‘Apples to Oranges’; and in the process costing yourself money in the end! What if the cheaper billing company or your In-house biller is even worse than just 5%?